Lifestyle30 April 2020
Mums have always managed to get superhuman stuff out of trying situations and this has NEVER been more obvious than this year!
Over the past few weeks (and for some, the months to come), these bubble #bossbabes have done us proud and kept our families – and the country – running like never before.
So let’s use this Mother’s Day to give them the props, love and good stuff that they deserve!

Mums are superheroes!
Able to leap piles of scattered lego in a single bound, see through walls to check that the kids are making their google hangouts on time… arbitrator of arguments and fearless family protector.
Our Mums have taken such great care of us that it’s time to take care of them with pampering treats and indulgent experiences at home.

Mums are master chefs!
Who even knew that you could make amazing stuff out of flour and yeast? And, if you have to, amazing things even without flour it turns out?!
Our Mums have kept our fast-food cravings at bay with their own delicious knock-offs, kept us entertained with the dishes that didn’t quite turn out like the Pinterest picture and even let us help, trashing the kitchen in the process.
Thank them for feeding our bodies as well as our souls with new kitchen loot – or give them a night off with meals delivered or collected.

Mums are multi-tasking masters!
We always knew our mums were clever but since they’ve been working from home, keeping the family together AND homeschooling, they’ve stepped up the boss-level a whole lot!
Take care of this Mum with relaxation – a day off and maybe a bit of solitude too!

Mums in shining armour
From standing in line to shop – and then shopping for others as well as us, to keeping our hands and homes clean and safe, our faces untouched and lockdown rules in force, Mums truly have been the heroes we’ve needed.
Thank her with finds that make her feel special and remind her of you every time she uses them.

Mums are expedition leaders!
When the only place to go is your own neighbourhood, it’s taken our bubble bossbabe Mums to keep it exciting and energizing.
Get these Mums ready for the next adventure as the weather cools with activewear, puffer jackets, fitness tech and a vitamin boost to keep them feeling like a million bucks.

Mother’s Day comes at the perfect time – as we move closer to getting out into the world again – for us to thank the heroes of lockdown!
So #bringthebasehome to your mum (or mum-figure) with these ideas – all available right now for contactless delivery or click & collect.