Lifestyle17 October 2021
Spring in New Zealand is a real mixed bag – some days you’re on top of the world with crystal-clear skies and just enough warmth to promise summer fun ahead and other days you’re right back into the winter gloom. Something you can rely on though, is a whole lot of fresh and colourful new stock coming in – especially for the kids.

As the weather warms up (but the rain still falls), the only thing growing faster than the lawn are the kids. What they haven’t grown out of has probably been worn to death so new season is a great time to take stock of what needs to be replaced and what can be passed on. Tie-dye is back in a big way this season, along with fresh citrus splashes, pastel tones and graphic prints – some of which I remember from my own childhood!

Stockists left to right: Platypus, Cotton On Kids, Farmers, Cotton On Kids
As alert levels go down, delayed birthday parties are stacking up, pocket money is burning a hole in their pocket and you might be looking for something fresh to treat or distract the kids or reward them for putting in the mahi on remote learning and showing some fantastic resilience and creativity over school holidays. Living outside of Auckland gave me a bit more choice, so, while we were in level 2 I couriered a care package to some little Auckland battlers I know that was full of bright, fun finds to keep them (and their parents!) going. They thought it was Christmas in October, I thought it was only fair given the work Auckland was doing to keep us all safe.

Stockists left to right: Whitcoulls, The Warehouse, Acquisitions, Farmers
PSA (learn from my experience, please!), always, always, ALWAYS check the school bags at the beginning of the holidays so that you don’t find last term’s lunch languishing at the bottom when you’re getting ready for the new term. If you, like me, have found one of THOSE surprises – or if the lunchbox has disappeared entirely, you might be starting the new term a lunchbox or two down. Sort it out with bright new ones ready to fill with delicious fresh and healthy snacks. Get them excited about the last term of school with vibrant and colourful stationery that they’ll hopefully love enough not to lose!

Stockists left to right: Smiggle, Whitcoulls, Whitcoulls, Typo
We’re so looking forward to brighter days ahead – in more ways than one! So whether you’re heading in to pick up a few of these finds or getting the kids working on some bright new artwork at home, bring those bright vibes home with you too.