Entertainment01 October 2019
I love Taco Tuesdays (you’ll get it when you see it)…and I loved Good Boys almost as much! This movie calls to the kid in me (even if this really isn’t a kids movie – hence the R13 rating) and I haven’t laughed this hard in ages. In fact I didn’t even finish my popcorn (and that NEVER happens)!

Max, Lucas and Thor go on a wild adventure to get invited to the party of the year. Of course there is a girl involved…and bullies…and beer! These “good boys” tackle some pretty not-so-good challenges together. And that is really the key in the this movie – they stick together despite how uncomfortable it may be since they are on the brink of growing up and into their own persons.

This is really a movie about friendship (one I super appreciate having my besties sprinkled all over the world). This is about battling peer pressure, working together when one of them has a dream, and in the end letting go of each other so they can each step into their own authentic self. AHHHHHH so cute!
I was also inspired to remember that EVERYONE is a potential connection, to be brave even when I’m scared, and to be creative with solving problems. This movie highlights this in spades, and something I need to embrace every single day.

But to be truly honest, the real standout was Stephen Merchant. He lights the screen on fire in EVERY SINGLE ROLE! I love his awkward charm so much and my only complaint of the movie is that he’s not in every scene. Haha!
And since I love music, and believe that soundtracks make the movie (besides Stephen Merchant), there was an awesome mix of old school and new school tunes. Spoiler alert…you haven’t lived until you see the kids’ rendition of Walking on Sunshine and perform Rock of Ages. Seriously, it’s adorable.
Good Boys is now playing. Check your local cinema for dates and times…and bring a friend…and EXTRA popcorn!