Fashion15 June 2018
There is so much talk about “personal style” vs “fashion”, but what's actually the difference?

For me, as a personal stylist dealing with everyday women, personal style is really about reflecting your personality through your clothes.
It’s not so much about wearing what’s “in fashion” (although that’s fun to play with sometimes!), it’s really about wearing clothes that reflect your personality!
I call this your Style Personality…. And this is how you work it out.
I want you to think of THREE describing words, that you would use to describe the style you want to have, they could be words like;
- Fun
- Colourful
- Classic
- Monochrome
- Bright
- Feminine
- Relaxed
- Edgy
Any words will do, but try and think of three. It’s the COMBINATION of these words that make up your Style Personality.
For example, my three words are Relaxed, Feminine and Edgy – but my look is only a little bit edgy. It’s definitely more feminine – but I like that twist of something a little harder (leather and lace together for example).
Oh, and as an FYI… “Comfortable” is a given so you can’t use that – haha! I would never recommend you wear clothes that make you fidget or don’t fit properly!
Have you got your three words?
Okay, so now you’ve got your words sorted, you’re going to use them as a FILTER when shopping (and also when cleaning out your existing wardrobe).
You might like the idea of a particular jacket, BUT stop and think – does it match any of my words? If it doesn’t, chances are it will sit in your wardrobe with the tag still on, not being worn.
By knowing your words and therefore your Style Personality, you’ll shop more effectively and efficiently, and make smarter choices.
It also means that you’ll have a higher likelyhood of everything in your wardrobe working together, because they all represent you, and match each other.
So remember your words next time you shop up a storm in-centre, and if you’re still stuck, why not book in a Kiwistyle session with one of the amazing stylists available at your fingertips! Find out more on our homepage.
Until Next Time, Happy Shopping
Cait xoxo